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“Improved multiparty quantum key agreement in travelling mode”该论文获中国科学2018年度优秀论文


迄今为止,主持完成国家青年科学基金1项,省科技攻关项目1项,参与完成省部级项目3项。发表SCI期刊检索论文20余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在Physical Review A、中国科学等国际知名期刊发表SCI检索论文10余篇,其中一篇获中国科学2018年度优秀论文。



“广义贝尔态的局域区分性研究”(编号: NSFRF220402), 青年探索基金, 2022年01月 -- 2023年12月,BetWay必威官方网站,6万;

“正交最大纠缠态的局域区分性及其应用”(编号:61600171),青年科学基金,2017年01月 -- 2019年12月,国家基金委, 19万;

“正交量子态的局域区分性及其在量子密码中的应用”(编号: 172102210275),河南省科技厅项目, 2017年01月 -- 2018年12月,河南省科技厅;

“正交量子态的局域区分性的研究” (编号: B2017-48),博士基金, 2017年01月 --2020年12月,BetWay必威官方网站,8万;


1. Ying-Hui Yang, Jiang-Tao Yuan, Cai-Hong Wang and Fei Gao, Local distinguishability of generalized Bell states with one ebit of entanglement, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2020, 53, 385306.

2. Ying-Hui Yang, Gao-Feng Mu, Jiang-Tao Yuan and Cai-Hong Wang, Distinguishability of generalized Bell states in arbitrary dimension system via one-way local operations and classical communication, Quantum Information Processing, 20, 52 (2021).

3. Ying-Hui Yang, Jiang-Tao Yuan, Cai-HongWang and Shi-Jiao Geng, Locally distinguishable maximally entangled states by two-way LOCC, Quantum Information Processing, 20, 18 (2021).

4. Ying-Hui Yang, Jiang-Tao Yuan, Cai-Hong Wang and Fei Gao, Local distinguishability of generalized Bell states with one ebit of entanglement, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53, 385306(2020).

5. Ying-Hui Yang, Jiang-Tao Yuan, Cai-HongWang, Shi-Jiao Geng, and Hui-Juan Zuo, Locally indistinguishable generalized Bell states with one-way local operations and classical communication, Physical Review A, 98, 042333 (2018). (二区期刊)

6. Ying-Hui Yang, Cai-HongWang, Jiang-Tao Yuan, Xia Wu Hui-Juan Zuo Local distinguishability of generalized Bell states, Quantum Information Processing, 17, 29 (2018)

7. Ying-Hui Yang, Fei Gao, Guo-Jing Tian,Tian-Qing Cao and Qiao-Yan Wen, Local distinguishability of orthogonal quantum states in a 2⊗2⊗2 system, Physical Review A, 88, 024301 (2013). (二区期刊)

8. Ying-Hui Yang, Fei Gao, Guo-Jing Tian, Tian-Qing Cao, Hui-Juan Zuo and Qiao-Yan Wen, Bound on local unambiguous discrimination between multipartite quantum states, Quantum Information Processing, 14, 731–737 (2015).

9. Ying-Hui Yang, Fei Gao, Guang-Bao Xu, Hui-Juan Zuo, Zhi-Chao Zhang and Qiao-Yan Wen, Characterizing unextendible product bases in qutrit-ququad system, Scientific Reports, 5, 11963 (2015). (二区期刊)

10. Ying-Hui Yang, Fei Gao, Xia Wu, Su-Juan Qin, Hui-Juan Zuo and Qiao-Yan Wen, Quantum secret sharing via local operations and classical communication, Scientific Reports, 5, 16967 (2015). (二区期刊)

11. Wei Huang, Ying-Hui Yang*, Heng-Yue Jia, Cryptanalysis and improvement of a quantum communication-based online shopping mechanism, Quantum Information Processing, 14,2211–2225 (2015).

12. Wei Huang, Qi Su, BingJie Xu, Bin Liu, Fan Fan, Heng-Yue Jia, and Ying-Hui Yang*, Improved multiparty quantum key agreement in travelling mode, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,59, 120311 (2016)




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