报告题目:Cesàro summability of noncommutative Vilenkin-Fourier series
报告人:赵甜甜 博士
报告时间:2025年01月21日 09:00-11:00
报告地点:bw必威西汉姆联官网 305
We study several noncommutative asymmetric maximal inequalities for the Cesàro means
of the Vilenkin-like-Fourier series of functions in
, where
is a Vilenkin space and
is a semifinite von Neumann algebra. Vilenkin-like system is a common generalization of the Walsh system, Vilenkin system, the character system of the group of 2-adic (m-adic) integers and other systems. When focus on the Vilenkin system, we transfer the above inequalities into totally noncommutative case for the Cesàro means
of the noncommutative Vilenkin-Fourier series in the hyperfinite
. The primary strategy in our proof is to explore a noncommutative generalization of Sunouchi square function operator, and the very recent advance of the noncommutative Calderón-Zygmund decomposition established by Cadilhac, Conde-Alonso and Parcet.
This is a joint work with Yong Jiao, Sijie Luo and Dejian Zhou.