E-mail: qiaohui@hpu.edu.cn
[1] Hui Qiao, Jiangong Yu. Lamb waves propagation in nematic elastomer plates by the Legendre polynomial series approach, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023.
[2] Hui Qiao, Jiangong Yu, Xiaoming. Zhang, et al. Propagation and attenuation of elastic waves in nematic elastomer hollow cylinders, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2023, 102: 105102.
[3] Xianhui Wang, Pengcheng Yu, Hui Qiao, et al. Formulation of SH wave characteristics in nonlocal nanoplates, ZAMM, 2022.
[4] Xianhui Wang, Fanglin Li, Xiaoming Zhang, Jiangong Yu, Hui Qiao. Thermoelastic guided wave in fractional order functionally graded plates: An analytical integration Legendre polynomial approach, Composite Structures, 256(7): 112997.