联系方式:E-mail: zhangdingling@hpu.edu.cn.
1. Zhang Dingling, Deng Shuyan, Zhu Qingyong. Analytical determination of electric voltage for pressure-driven flow through complex microchannels. (Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 2013,6(2):139-147) EI.
2. 张定苓,陈耀钦. 多孔材料中热质传递特征的分析. (河南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2013(1):40-42)核心.
3. Zhu Qingyong, Zhang Dingling, Deng Shuyan, Chen Yaoqin, and Sun Junjun. High order compact difference schemes for the complex flow fields in anisotropic porous fibrous media with sorption. (Computers & Fluids 88(2013) 473-483)SCI.
4. Zhu Qingyong, Zhang Dingling, Chen Yaoqin,, et al.. Adsorption effect of porous medium onto the thermal convection in a bottomless square cavity. (Submitted to Physics of Fluids) SCI.
5. Leilei Wei, Huiya Dai, Dingling Zhang, and Zhiyong Si. Fully discrete local discontinuous Galerkin method for solving the fractional telegraph equation.( Calcolo) SCI.