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发布人:    发布时间:2022-05-18    【打印此页】


        报告题目:SAV finite element method for the Peng-Robinson equation of state with dynamic boundary conditions

        报    人:姚昌辉 (郑州大学数学与统计学院)

        报告时间:2022-5-19  10:00-11:30;



        摘要:In this paper, the Peng-Robinson equation of state with dynamic boundary conditions is discussed, which considers the interactions with solid walls. At first, the model is introduced and the regularization method on the nonlinear term is adopted. Next, The scalar auxiliary variable(SAV) method in temporal and finite element method in spatial are used to handle the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Then, the energy dissipation law of the numerical method is obtained. Also, we acquire the convergence of the discrete SAV finite element method(FEM). Finally, a numerical example is provided to confirm the theoretical result.

        个人简介:姚昌辉,男,1977年01月出生,博士、河南省特聘教授、博士生导师。中国仿真学会不确定性系统分析与仿真专业委员会委员,中国数学会计算数学分会理事,河南省智能图像学会理事。2006年6月在中国科学院获得计算数学专业理学博士学位,2008在挪威Bergen大学获得应用数学专业哲学博士学位。 曾主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,参与完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,发表SCI学术论文30多篇,2021年主编河南省“十四五”普通高等教育规划教材《数值分析》。



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